
Showing posts from March, 2018

Lawyers charged with immigration fraud

A lawyer in queens was arrested along with his partner in Queens, New York for immigration fraud. They would lie in the applicants paperwork about their criminal history and stories of persecution. They were doing this between 2012 to 2017 and had around 180 applicants. Last year they were also accused to failure of paying $5 million dollars in MTA surcharges. For the immigration it doesn't stay if it was a scam that they were doing towards immigrants, but it does say that it was for falsifying documents.

Supreme Court Rejects Driver License

The state of Arizona got rejected by the Supreme Court to prevent undocumented immigrants that are in DACA to be able to receive their driver licenses. This is the second time that they tried to not allow undocumented immigrants licenses, but the Justices isn't going to listen and advices not to listen to the Trump administration. The justices wants to avoid any conflict with immigrants that are in DACA which currently protects around 700,000 undocumented immigrants.

Trump is reportedly open to an immigration deal

President Trump is now considering to have a deal with the young DACA ( Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)  immigrants, but he wants to charge them money in order for them to get residency. He will be using the money to build a wall. He also wants to limit the sponsorship of family member and remove the lottery visa system. President trump ended DACA when President Obama first implemented it. But the court didn't pass the bill that trump submitted to end it.